9 August, 2023
Unlock the doors to real estate success
Read time: 5 minutes

In today's edition:

  • In the news: EMIs, PE deals, and moon missions
  • My thoughts on: Basics: Real estate documentation
  • Q&A: Home loan tenures

Handpicked stories from my weekly digest

Here are the 5 stories that you need to be aware of from this past week:

  • Affordable housing buyers' EMIs jump over 20% in last 2 years: Home loans are structured such that the payments in the early years are mostly interest. With this dynamic, property owners will benefit less from appreciation as less of the principal would be repaid. Read more
  • Blackstone seeing strong interest in it's real estate portfolio sale: Blackstone Group's owns a 50% stake in Panchshil Realty and Salarpuria Sattva Group's respective commercial portfolios. Several mega funds are showing interest in their Pune and Hyderabad properties and projects. Read more
  • Gen-Z and real estate: GenZ is poised to become a major home buying segment. Developers must take into account their tastes and align their future offerings with their needs which range from transparent communication to digital experiences. Read more
  • Elon Musk and legal bills: Elon Musk has said his X social media platform will fund the legal bills of people who have been treated unfairly by employers because of posting or liking something on the site formerly known as Twitter. Read more
  • Chandrayaan-3 update: ISRO has released the first images of the Moon taken by the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft, which entered the lunar orbit on Saturday. Once it lands, a six-wheeled rover will eject and roam around the rocks and craters on the Moon's surface. Read more

What's in a title?


Image credits: Webflow

In the heart of Mumbai, Mr. and Mrs. Desai were excitedly preparing to purchase their first home. The apartment they had set their sights on seemed like a dream come true – modern amenities, convenient location, and a breathtaking view of the sea. As they began the process of finalizing the purchase, a seemingly innocuous detail emerged – the title documents.

The Desai's excitement was tempered by a hint of caution, as they had heard tales of unsuspecting buyers falling prey to property disputes. They decided to exercise prudence and engaged a legal expert to delve into the title documents. What they discovered was both eye-opening and cautionary.

The mother deed, tracing back to the property's inception, revealed an intricate history. The legal expert unearthed a dispute that had occurred decades ago over property boundaries, a dispute long since resolved but hidden within the annals of time. This discovery prompted a thorough investigation into the subsequent chain of ownership to ensure a clear title. The legal professional also scrutinized encumbrance certificates meticulously, revealing an unexpected mortgage on the property that had not been disclosed.

In their journey, the Desais embodied the essence of legal due diligence – the practice of meticulously investigating and verifying title documents to safeguard one's investment. This process, although seemingly intricate, was their shield against potential disputes, financial burdens, and sleepless nights.

The Indian real estate landscape is a dynamic and intricate realm, where the foundation of any property transaction rests upon a critical element: the title documents. The significance of title documents cannot be overstated, as they form the bedrock of property ownership, ensuring legal rights and safeguarding investments.

What Are Title Documents?

Title documents are legal records that establish the ownership of a property. They provide a comprehensive history of the property's ownership, enabling buyers to ascertain whether the seller has clear and marketable ownership rights. Title documents are a critical component of legal due diligence and help mitigate the risks of purchasing a property embroiled in disputes or encumbrances.

Key Title Documents

  • Sale Deed (Conveyance Deed): A sale deed is perhaps the most pivotal title document. It is executed at the time of transferring ownership from the seller to the buyer. The sale deed includes details of the property, sale consideration, and terms and conditions of the sale.
  • Mother Deed (Parent Deed): The mother deed traces the origin of the property's ownership. It establishes a chain of ownership from the property's inception to the current owner. Obtaining a certified copy of the mother deed is crucial to validate ownership.
  • Mutation Records (Jamabandi/Intkal): Mutation records reflect changes in ownership due to transfers, inheritances, or subdivisions. Updated mutation records provide evidence of the current owner's legal rights.
  • Encumbrance Certificate: An encumbrance certificate attests that a property is free from any monetary or legal liabilities, such as mortgages, loans, or pending litigation. It provides an essential assurance of a clear title.

To steer clear of legal complexities, enhance ease of resale or financing, and most importantly, to attain peace of mind, meticulous documentation, particularly in the form of well-maintained title documents, is an absolute necessity.


I am 45 years old. What is an ideal home loan tenure?
- Prateek

Hi Prateek,

An ideal tenure for a home loan depends on your retirement age. If you are going to retire at the age of 60 Years, your home loan tenure should not be more than 15-20 years.

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By Ashwinder R. Singh
Step up your real estate game with exclusive access to tribal knowledge accumulated over decades.
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